What kind of questions are expected in a Hadoop developer interview?

If you want to start your career in Big Data Hadoop, This is the good time to start your career in this booming technology. There are plenty of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. So it is right time to start applying for jobs in this field.

As a Hadoop Developer, it is essential to know the right buzzwords, prepare the right answers to commonly asked Hadoop Interview Questions.

Here’s a list of some of the most common Hadoop interview question this will guarantee a breeze-through to the next level.

  1. What is Hadoop? Name the Main Components of a Hadoop Application.
  2. What are the concepts used in the Hadoop Framework?
  3. What do you know about YARN?
  4. How many Input Formats are there in Hadoop? Explain.
  5. State some of the important features of Hadoop.
  6. What is the RecordReader in Hadoop used for?
  7. Explain different methods of a Reducer.
  8. What is the use of “jps” command?
  9. How can you differentiate RDBMS and Hadoop?
  10. What do you know about active and passive NameNodes?
  11. Define “Checkpointing”. What is its benefit?
  12. What are the different schedulers available in Hadoop?
  13. What is the query to transfer data from Hive to HDFS?
  14. What are the common Hadoop shell commands used for Copy operation?
  15. Differentiate HDFS Block and Input Split.

So these are some Hadoop interview questions that will help you to crack Hadoop interview easily, if you want to know more questions and answers - Check out the list here and read more.


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